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DesCor Builders Revolutionizes Their Marketing ย Process with ProjectMark

Connor Davidson photo and quote: "We create impressive quals packages in ours instead of days"

A Little About
DesCor Builders

DesCor Builders is a general contractor that serves Northern California and covers a wide range of vertical markets, including transportation, lab, office, hospitality, mixed-use, multi-family, and industrial.

How Connor Davidson Realized DesCor Builders Needed a Better Solution

When Marketing Manager Connor Davidson joined the team, he quickly realized that the company needed a more efficient solution to generate marketing materials. "Essentially, they were doing a lot of their proposals on Word," he explains. "I come from a graphic design background, so I took it into Adobe and was doing a lot of it through that. The trouble I was having was sometimes I'm maybe not the most organized person. So when ProjectMark came in, I think that's what kind of really helped with that."

Streamlining Marketing Materials with ProjectMark

ProjectMark is a platform that allows DesCor Builders to streamline their marketing materials, including resumes, project sheets, and proposals. According to Davidson, the platform provides a searchable database that allows him to quickly find the information he needs. "I operate more on that instead of like, sitting there and organizing files. I'd rather just go in a search bar and type something in and find what I want," he says. With ProjectMark, he can easily search for the latest revision of a project template or any other information he needs.

Customizable Profiles in Hours and Amazing Presentations

The benefits of ProjectMark have been clear for DesCor Builders. Davidson explains that they can now generate firm profiles in just a couple of hours, rather than taking several days. "Last week I think, we kicked out three firm profiles with different focuses and very minimal amount of time," he says. The platform has also allowed them to put a massive design on their proposals, making them more visually appealing and receiving a lot of feedback on the look and feel of their presentations. "We go above and beyond with our presentation, and especially the content that we interweave," says Davidson. "And I think the estimators also are thankful when something comes through quick and they need to spit something out in a couple of days that they know they can hit me up and get something really quick, very customized."

ProjectMark's Usage

Davidson is the only person who currently uses ProjectMark, but they are planning on expanding the usage of the platform. With a new marketing assistant coming onboard, they plan to have them manage the proposal process, with Davidson handling the high-level strategy. "Eventually when I get someone under me, I'd like to have them managing that process, and me just handling more high-level strategy within the proposal," he says. This will allow other employees to get involved in the platform, making it a more collaborative tool for the company.

Getting Time Back

In conclusion, DesCor Builders has successfully integrated ProjectMark into their marketing process, making it more efficient and streamlined. According to Davidson, the platform has been a game-changer for the company. "ProjectMark has really helped take a lot of that [proposal process] off of me. So any quick firm profiles, we can kick it out in a couple of hours and semi-personalize it," he says. ProjectMark has allowed them to be more productive, freeing up time to focus on high-level strategy and business growth. It is a platform that they will continue to use in the future.

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